The Paladin

These guardians are elite augmented shock troopers, tasked with defense and/or retrieval of Spire technology in conjunction with precognitive assault duties against aggressors, opportunistic pirates/corporations and rebellious colonists. They are traditionally considered to be the hand of the Citadel amongst the stars; the elite, blessed warriors, unparalleled in combat and void of emotional recourse. The purpose of a Paladins existence is dedicated to exalting the technology crafted from within the forge by the machine-mind, nested within the core of the Citadel Devinium. The law that drives their judgement is written directly into their central cortex and has become a form of religion spawned by the Council of Nations. These laws are the judgement that they enact upon anyone or anything that threatens humanity, or more specifically, the Council and its allies.

eden star guard posed


This is just a small snippet of the lore surrounding this character and so I hope everyone likes the piece – anyone notice that the Drone under foot does not appear to be mechanical…?

Plenty more coming soon…